Social Media Management

With 2.85billion monthly active Facebook users, are you making the most of Social Media for your business?.

Why Social Media?

In 2020, 84% of UK adults own a smartphone. On average, Brits spend 2 hours and 34 minutes online on their smartphones every day.
Analysis conducted by finder.comResearch


Don't have the time to spend on Social Media in your business, or not sure how to get the best from Social Media for your business? - talk to us !


31% of buyers say they use social media channels to browse for things to purchase


47% of millennial purchases are influenced by social media

Maybe Tech

80% of consumers use social media to engage with brands


Consumers are 71% more likely to buy something based on social media referrals


Millennials are 1.6 times more likely to use digital channels to learn about new products


90% of brands use social media to raise brand awareness

No fluff, funnels,fairytales..

Grow your business

Defining your target audience, and how to communicate to them


So, you have something to say - but how do you say it, who to and how

If you dont..

Your competitors are on social media, your potential customers are too !

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Are you looking to increase your customer footfall through engaging social media ? Talk to us today
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